Monday, August 24, 2009

We're still here.

I'm terrible at updating, apparently.

Turns out, with a five year old at home for summer vacation, a one year old who sleeps in our bed and can't stop nursing, and being five months pregnant, I don't get time to sit at the computer like I want to. I don't even get the dishes done. Who'da thunk?

Well, we're in full pregnancy swing over here. Mood swings, cravings, no sleep, bathroom breaks, everything. And we're also expecting... another boy. Wait, that didn't sound excited. ... ANOTHER BOOOOY!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Just typing that sentence made me tired.

I must say, as this pregnancy was a complete surprise, I've had to make an effort to really get on board with having another kid. And now, another boy? Noah has now reached the age where the differences between boys and girls are glaringly apparent. Mainly, he likes to hit things, climb things, and the word "no" means absolutely nothing to him. Toys are uninteresting- remote controls and Dad's shoes, and tools, and punching walls are all much better options than that little plastic thing with the flashing lights. Yesterday, Noah got two baths. One for a dog poop crisis, one for a paint can disaster. I won't go into details, but it was insane. And the whole time, I just kept thinking, "There are going to be TWO of these. And they're going to conspire together." I suddenly feel outnumbered and a bit helpless.

And, after that crazy day, and my exhaustion, and the multiple baths, and the cleaning a pint of brown paint off the floor and moldings, I put him to sleep. And he was quiet. And beautiful. And amazing.

And I suddenly didn't mind that he would have a little brother, a best friend. Someone to stay up and tell scary stories to, to share things with, to protect and love.

I think we'll be okay.

But I may not sleep for another couple years..... so don't make fun of my hair.

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